
These are the physical parts of a computer. If you can pick it up and drop it on the floor, it is hardware. They are objects

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The main computer that several other computers are connected to. It can manage the computers that are connected to it. It also acts as a central storage point for data and software, that the other computers can access. A server can typically control what the other computers can access on its central storage by using permissions.

Solid State Drive (SSD) or Flash Drive:

A type of storage medium that stores its data on computer chips. Unlike RAM, the data on an SSD remains even after the power is shut off. An SSD is faster than an HDD and less fragile, due to having no moving parts. SSDs are more expensive than HDDs.

Sequential Access

Indicates that data cannot be accessed without having to look through all earlier data first, in order. This term is best illustrated by example. A video tape and a cassette tape are sequential access devices. If you want to access a part in the middle of the video tape, you need to fast forward through everything up until that point. You cannot go directly to the middle of the tape. If you want to start at the beginning of the tape, you need to rewind.


A number of different things which work together to fulfill a particular purpose. In the computer world, this would be a number of computer hardware components, peripherals and software.


The “non-physical” parts of the computer. They exist as commands, series of commands, rules, sets of parameters, etc. You can’t pick it up and drop it on the floor. Of course it isn’t literally non-physical. It exists as electricity and physical states within a computer.


A chemical element that has semiconducting properties. It is one of the most commonly used substances in modern computers and electronics. It is hard and brittle.

Please note that it is spelled siliCON, with no “E” at the end. It is NOT siliCONE which is a man-made, usually transparent, rubbery substance that is used for various things such as adhesives, sealants, cooking utensils, etc. These two words are often mixed up due to their similar spelling.


A type of material that acts like a conductor (passes along electricity) under certain conditions and an insulator (blocks electricity) under other conditions. Conditions such as temperature, voltage (electrical pressure), current (rate of electricity), and impurities in the semiconductor can affect its conductive properties. Semiconductors are an important part in modern computers and electronics.


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