
These are the physical parts of a computer. If you can pick it up and drop it on the floor, it is hardware. They are objects

All Definitions

Hard Drive (HD)

  1. The main permanent storage device in a person’s computer. Data can be read from (retrieved from) or written to (added to) the hard drive.
  2. (Also Hard Disk Drive or HDD) A device that stores computer data on spinning magnetic disks. The disks need to spin extremely fast so that data can be accessed quickly. HDDs are known for their low cost and ability to store very large amounts of data. They are also more fragile and slower than other forms of storage that contain no moving parts, such as the SSD (a type of drive that stores data on computer chips).


Stands for Human Machine Interface. It is another word for Panel PC. It is a term commonly used in factories because the Panel PC lets the user (human) interact with the machinery they are operating. Hence the term human machine interface.


These are the physical parts of a computer. If you can pick it up and drop it on the floor, it is hardware. They are objects


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