Computer Assembly for Concierge Medical Practices
Physicians who decide to break away from traditional hospital-based relationships and establish concierge medical practices will need to outsource the products and services for their computer-based systems and devices. Setting up such a physician operated and patient-centered practice will require inventory and logistics, computer assembly, testing and burn-in and of course, extended service. Physicians want to spend time with their patients instead of worrying about nonmedical issues such as motherboards, peripherals and memory, installation and testing, and above all, medical certifications.
A Prescription for Patient Practice
Contemporary patient care involves more than prescribing pills; it requires carefully considered and tested hardware and software for advanced medical purposes. From medical displays to patient infotainment terminals, today’s concierge medical practices have many decisions to make beyond healthcare. Budgeting for concierge care is an important process that has to take in many factors. One must take into account what systems are needed for a specific practice. There are also medical certifications attached to some medical equipment that prevents you from tweaking the system or else risk the chance of losing the certification.
Medical Displays
Computer assembly also includes a means to view the output. Monitors that are capable of displaying high-resolution, wide viewing angles and correct colors are the heart of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. One end of the patient care continuum may require a 19-inch grayscale diagnostic monitor and near the other end, surgeons will benefit from powerful and precise 60 inch 8.29-megapixel surgical displays. Displays viewed by patients also need to take into account any visual sensitivities a patient may have.
Medical Systems
Physician practices require medical systems that are either completely customized or built from a bare-bones system. The work required to bring a physician partner practice to life will include facilities, man-hours, and expertise to manage even the most complex medical systems, from assembly to installation to service. That is why consulting a professional is worth it for practitioners seriously considering concierge medical practice.
Telehealth and Telemedicine
At the heart of concierge medical practice is the increased frequency and quality of physician/patient communication. Physicians communicate with each other, patients and databases via a wide variety of communication methods, be it a conference call or a remote request for images. For this reason, choosing the right medical panel pc or medical handheld device is important for both doctors and patients. Miscommunication when it comes to medicine will have disastrous results, so one must make sure to choose their systems correctly, and keep them properly maintained.
Patient Infotainment Terminals
Keeping patients comfortable and entertained during their stay improves patient satisfaction. Patient information terminals provide patients with a way to enjoy various types of media during their time spent under care. Patient satisfaction is one of the utmost important goals in concierge medical care, so ignoring patient infotainment terminals is not ideal.
Computer assembly and much more
If you are involved in the evolution of a concierge medical practice and would rather perform healthcare than deal with computer or display issues, call our experienced professionals at New Era Electronics to learn about how you can get your practice up and running. New Era Electronics establishes partnerships between the OEM and the end-users and assists in all parts of the product cycle from concept to computer assembly and service. Give us a call at +1-833-339-1235 if you have any questions, or send us an email at sales@NewEraElectronics.com and we will get back you shortly.